Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oreo Moon Phases

This is an activity I am doing next year when we learn about phases of the moon in 1st grade. This was an idea from It is made, of course, with oreos!

Plant Experiment

During our plant unit we did an experiment to see what plants need to live. We got eight flowers and then labeled them: No water(Do not water at all), water
No Light(place in a dark space), Light
No Space, Space
No Air(Place in a plastic bag), Air
Make sure to water all of the plants except for the one that says No Water.

At the end of the experiment we realized that plants need Water, Air, Space, and Water to grow properly. Water was the most important thing because the one that did not get water died first.

No David!

We read No David! by David Shannon and then made these David portraits. The children helped come up with positive things to say to David.

BME anchor chart

Another great chart one of my fellow teachers found online to help the children tell the beginning, middle, and end of a story and also helps when writing a story.

Retell Anchor Chart

This is a great chart one of my fellow teachers found online to help the children remember how to RETELL when reading a story.

Character Traits

Each week we learn a new character trait and we read a book in which the character has that trait. Then I put the words up along with a picture of the book and the synonyms for that word. The children love the chart and often refer to it when we are reading other books. It teaches them lots of new vocabulary.

Plant Parts and Needs Diagram



We have been learning all about plants. We then made a diagram of plant parts (petal, leaf, stem, roots) and also added what plants need to grow (sun, water, soil) to our diagram. We then talked about how insects help plants to grow and they got to add a 3-D insect sticker to their flower. The bees went in the center because they drink nectar and the ladybug went on the leaf bacause they eat the aphids off the leaves. The center of the plant is a cupcake paper, the roots are made from yarn, and the insect stickers are from Dollar Tree. They turned out really pretty and colorful!!!