Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Behavior Management

I think it is important that children learn to take responsibility for their own actions. This behavior system that another collegue of mine found online, really works!! I call it Clip Chart Behavior. The children start out on Green Each day, which means they are Ready to Learn. Depending on their behavior and if they are following our classroom beliefs they could move up on the chart or move down. The important part is if they have to move down they have the opportunity to move up again. It teaches them that it is okay to make mistakes but they can work on fixing those mistakes. If the end up on Pink at the end of the day, which is Outstanding, they get to put a special jewel on their clip. When they get five jewels they get to put their clip on the Wall of Fame and then get a brand new clip for the chart. The children also have to record their color at the end of each day which is sent home for their parents to see. The children love it and it is easy to implement!
Sorry So Blurry:-(
Pink: Outstanding
Purple: Great Day
Blue: Good Day
Green: Ready to Learn
Yellow: Slow Down
Orange: Think About It
Red: Parent Contact

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